
I’m being let go of my contracting position and they want me to train my replacement?

Basically I am staying on until the end of the month and they hired someone to be my replacement. The reason for “letting me go” is because they need someone who can act as COO and do my tasks plus more operational stuff and I am currently only part time right now. When I asked why they couldn't increase my hours so I can do more work and learn the experienced operational side of things (I have the capacity) they just say they don't think I am “there yet” in terms of experience or skills I assume and they think it's better to just pay one person who can do it all instead of paying multiple people. So instead of promoting me they want this other person. They also want to pay me for half of April. So now they want me to set up a time to train this…

Basically I am staying on until the end of the month and they hired someone to be my replacement. The reason for “letting me go” is because they need someone who can act as COO and do my tasks plus more operational stuff and I am currently only part time right now. When I asked why they couldn't increase my hours so I can do more work and learn the experienced operational side of things (I have the capacity) they just say they don't think I am “there yet” in terms of experience or skills I assume and they think it's better to just pay one person who can do it all instead of paying multiple people. So instead of promoting me they want this other person. They also want to pay me for half of April. So now they want me to set up a time to train this new “COO” person who does all my tasks and will supposedly do more as well. I can't help but feel really shitty about this. I am also not eligible for unemployment as this was a contract position. Any advice?

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