
If I tell my boss I can’t show up today is it still a no call no show?

I texted my boss today telling him that I can't show up for work today 3 hours before my shift started, and he told me I had to call the department or it was a no call no show. I didn't have the department number and was too busy to see his text at the time, but by the time I had the number for the department my shift had already started. He told me through text that at the beginning of the year they had us sign papers for no call no show policy. I remember doing that but I don't remember anything about having to call the department or it even having the number on it. Even if it did and I am by signing that paper at fault is it not still nuts that if I tell my boss I can't make it, it can still count…

I texted my boss today telling him that I can't show up for work today 3 hours before my shift started, and he told me I had to call the department or it was a no call no show. I didn't have the department number and was too busy to see his text at the time, but by the time I had the number for the department my shift had already started. He told me through text that at the beginning of the year they had us sign papers for no call no show policy. I remember doing that but I don't remember anything about having to call the department or it even having the number on it. Even if it did and I am by signing that paper at fault is it not still nuts that if I tell my boss I can't make it, it can still count as a no call no show?

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