
I need advice on how to approach my new employer for time off while do fertility treatment?

Long story short I’m about to start a new job next week. I’m looking forward to working with this new company because they have been willing to work with me around my school schedule. I’m going to graduate with my bachelors degree this July. Anyway I’m a 25 year old female with pcos and I’ve been battling infertility for about a year now. I was on the wait list to meet with a reproductive endocrinologist for about 6 months. I had my first appointment last month and the plan is to 3 pursue IUI cycles (not IVF). March was spent doing diagnostic testing and I’ve been cleared to begin my first cycle in April. The problem is there will be a few days that I may have to miss in order to make it to my appointment. I plan on talking with my future boss and HR explaining my situation…

Long story short I’m about to start a new job next week. I’m looking forward to working with this new company because they have been willing to work with me around my school schedule. I’m going to graduate with my bachelors degree this July. Anyway I’m a 25 year old female with pcos and I’ve been battling infertility for about a year now. I was on the wait list to meet with a reproductive endocrinologist for about 6 months. I had my first appointment last month and the plan is to 3 pursue IUI cycles (not IVF). March was spent doing diagnostic testing and I’ve been cleared to begin my first cycle in April.

The problem is there will be a few days that I may have to miss in order to make it to my appointment. I plan on talking with my future boss and HR explaining my situation and the importance of being able to attend these appointments. I’m just nervous that they won’t be willing to schedule me around these appointments because I’ve had problems with mangers in the past not respecting my time.

I’ll be honest pursuing fertility treatment is more important to me than this job. So if I can’t get time off I’ll quit. I’m working as a caregiver for special needs adults part-time and doing school full time as well. I need more work experience in order to polish up on my resume before I graduate. I don’t want to quit if I can avoid it. My husband has been the main provider so financially we are okay but I want more work experience. Any advice on how to best approach this situation with my new boss would be appreciated.

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