
Work considered my sick leave as unauthorised absence

I wasn't feeling well one day and called in ill, it was the 2nd time in the year that I called in sick. They marked me down as taking unauthorised absence and due to company policy any notice that is under 4 hours will be deemed as unauthorised absence. I didn't know this and raised it with my manager, he said that it was the person manaing that day wanted me to be put down as that. Is this a red flag that the company deems any notice under 4 hours as unauthorised absence?

I wasn't feeling well one day and called in ill, it was the 2nd time in the year that I called in sick. They marked me down as taking unauthorised absence and due to company policy any notice that is under 4 hours will be deemed as unauthorised absence.
I didn't know this and raised it with my manager, he said that it was the person manaing that day wanted me to be put down as that. Is this a red flag that the company deems any notice under 4 hours as unauthorised absence?

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