
Need advice dealing with a workplace that suddenly became insanely toxic.

I’ve been working as the head of a department for about a year now. Initially the job was fantastic, I performed at a high level and helped the company achieve a high output, all my performance goals were met. Around Christmas it took a downward turn, suddenly the boss started being rude and short with everybody, cutting down staff and being unresponsive to feedback. He is the son of the original founder of the company, so he answers to nobody and has a superiority complex, however this is was not the case originally. Now my department has had its staff reduced and workload amplified, I’m getting stress migraines daily and am not sleeping well due to the anxiety of what the next day will bring. Now I’m in a situation where I’m being told I can’t spend anymore money for the month, yet we are bringing in brand new projects…

I’ve been working as the head of a department for about a year now.

Initially the job was fantastic, I performed at a high level and helped the company achieve a high output, all my performance goals were met.

Around Christmas it took a downward turn, suddenly the boss started being rude and short with everybody, cutting down staff and being unresponsive to feedback.

He is the son of the original founder of the company, so he answers to nobody and has a superiority complex, however this is was not the case originally.

Now my department has had its staff reduced and workload amplified, I’m getting stress migraines daily and am not sleeping well due to the anxiety of what the next day will bring.

Now I’m in a situation where I’m being told I can’t spend anymore money for the month, yet we are bringing in brand new projects that will require parts and equipment, and getting zero support from the company when I bring up these concerns.

I also have calculated how much my department has earned and we are bringing in massive surpluses each month, which is even more frustrating.

I need advice, because I can’t just quit due to having a mortgage and being a primary income earner, I feel like I was tricked into leaving my job and coming here.

The job market is poor for my field at the moment- which is another difficult thing to deal with as when I took this job a year ago, I was fielding offers for this position and I actually left money on the table to come to this location because I liked the business plan the best.

The stress is literally killing me and I can’t even enjoy my nights at home. I actually had a doctor write me a medical leave of absence note about two weeks ago but decided not to use it as I was nervous about wether or not the company would try to sabotage my benefits, but now I need advice as I feel like it’s my only option. I’m from Canada if that helps.

Please, I desperately need advice as my stress level is harming the people I care about when I’m home.

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