
I’ve been applying for jobs so I can move cities and the whole process has made me question if I even want a 9-5 job

So I graduated about 2 years ago and since the job market was in shambles I took a job somewhat related to my degree at a family friends company. The job itself is like ok but I hate where I live for a number of reasons and want to move to a big city. I’ve been applying almost nonstop for a solid 18+ months trying to get something in my field in the new city and I’ve been thrown around like a sheep being herded. Every job feels so fake to me… the recruiters I talk to haven’t even read my resume, ask me like 3 questions, and then they tell me other candidates better fit our needs. Im starting to suspect these places are just posting to hire an internal candidate or a friend or maybe the job isn’t real at all. But communicating with these places is ridiculous…

So I graduated about 2 years ago and since the job market was in shambles I took a job somewhat related to my degree at a family friends company. The job itself is like ok but I hate where I live for a number of reasons and want to move to a big city.

I’ve been applying almost nonstop for a solid 18+ months trying to get something in my field in the new city and I’ve been thrown around like a sheep being herded.

Every job feels so fake to me… the recruiters I talk to haven’t even read my resume, ask me like 3 questions, and then they tell me other candidates better fit our needs. Im starting to suspect these places are just posting to hire an internal candidate or a friend or maybe the job isn’t real at all.

But communicating with these places is ridiculous to me. I’m honestly not sure some of these people I’ve spoken to aren’t like AI or something. They can never give you a straight answer and it’s all so fluffy and like vague. It just seems like everything is to keep from getting sued or like offending people. These people these companies have representing them make it seem like everybody is just disposable; and they put in the minimum effort to herd you around.

Is this just how it is? My company now is like family friend small-ish company so it’s different somewhat, not the greatest. I’m applying to marketing and advertising type jobs. The whole process has destroyed my view of the system. I’m questioning it all at this point… to me if working at these places is the same as how these people communicate now it’s going to drive me absolutely insane. It feels matrix-y… like these companies are just trying to put up a front to the outside world and these recruiters are told to smooth everything over so you don’t catch on to what’s really happening. A couple of times I’ve questioned if the job was internal hire and recruiters have gotten extremely aggressive and or danced around the question like a politician.

Please tell me I just get the crab apple places and there’s nice places out there…

I’m out here trying to learn stock trading and become profitable so I can move (because that’s killing me too mentally). Been going great so far but just worries me taking the leap.

Idk what to think anymore

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