
Where can I find people to be references, online?

I've heard about areas of reddit- or maybe just online in general, where you can find people willing to serve as a reference for you, despite not actually knowing you. I have an interview coming up, for a job that could really change my life. I need some people for references, as I don't know many people, and honesty wouldn't give my real number out, to some of the Hurricane coworkers I've had (work gets a Google number). I am absolutely willing to return the favor, and give a sterling reference in return. Anyone know where I can find these?

I've heard about areas of reddit- or maybe just online in general, where you can find people willing to serve as a reference for you, despite not actually knowing you. I have an interview coming up, for a job that could really change my life. I need some people for references, as I don't know many people, and honesty wouldn't give my real number out, to some of the Hurricane coworkers I've had (work gets a Google number).

I am absolutely willing to return the favor, and give a sterling reference in return.

Anyone know where I can find these?

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