
I want quit so bad, but I can’t

Just as the title says, I want to quit but can’t. My manager is condescending and passive aggressive. She called my coworkers and I incompetent to another employee. We’re still understaffed. I don’t get paid enough. I’m mentally exhausted. I’m just tired and burnt out. I. Don’t. Get. Paid. Enough. But I can’t quit because we are understaffed, I don’t want my coworkers to suffer because they have to work more. We’re so understaffed to the point that we still come in when we’re sick and if we don’t come in our manager barely shows any compassion and resorts to asking if we can still come in later anyway. Y’all, I wanna cry about it so badly. I’ve been so stressed and mentally out of it, I don’t know what to do. I also can’t quit because I need to keep a roof over my family’s head, keep food on…

Just as the title says, I want to quit but can’t.

My manager is condescending and passive aggressive. She called my coworkers and I incompetent to another employee. We’re still understaffed. I don’t get paid enough. I’m mentally exhausted. I’m just tired and burnt out. I. Don’t. Get. Paid. Enough.

But I can’t quit because we are understaffed, I don’t want my coworkers to suffer because they have to work more. We’re so understaffed to the point that we still come in when we’re sick and if we don’t come in our manager barely shows any compassion and resorts to asking if we can still come in later anyway.

Y’all, I wanna cry about it so badly. I’ve been so stressed and mentally out of it, I don’t know what to do. I also can’t quit because I need to keep a roof over my family’s head, keep food on the table and take care of my 2 kitties. I just want to cry.

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