
One of my Coworkers passed away

My coworker passed away yesterday evening from a heart attack. I'm still so shocked. He was such a good person. Always smiling and happy. Laughing and super positive. He had really great energy. The type of person you'd want to be around. Everyone he met felt the same way. It just sucks you know. After a while these people turn into more than coworkers. Like true friends. Spending years seeing them every week and countless hours. I'm not the type to get emotional but dang we lost a good soul. On the outside I don't really show emotion but in my thoughts I can't believe it. I didn't even get to say goodbye. He worked at this company for over 25 plus years. Literally older than I've been alive. He was only in his mid 50s. He never even got to retire. Never got to enjoy life after work. Sucks…

My coworker passed away yesterday evening from a heart attack. I'm still so shocked. He was such a good person. Always smiling and happy. Laughing and super positive. He had really great energy. The type of person you'd want to be around. Everyone he met felt the same way.

It just sucks you know. After a while these people turn into more than coworkers. Like true friends. Spending years seeing them every week and countless hours. I'm not the type to get emotional but dang we lost a good soul. On the outside I don't really show emotion but in my thoughts I can't believe it. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

He worked at this company for over 25 plus years. Literally older than I've been alive. He was only in his mid 50s. He never even got to retire. Never got to enjoy life after work. Sucks how he can dedicate all that time to a company and just pass away like that. Just goes to show you never know when it's your last day. Live in the moment. Don't be stressed out for any job. I truly hope he's at piece now. He will be missed by many.

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