
So, sharing my exit at AT&T

CONTEXT Sorry everyone, I posted this on a cuff, because I was trying to hurry out of my garage without leaving any of my personal belongings behind. MIND YOU: This video is from February 27th and the only way I kept my job was trying to move to a new supervisor and by agreeing with their boss and the Union to have my record cleared. To quote Richard “Old Man” Harrison, “Those b@stards lied to me!” Yeah, things escalated to where I had to quit today, so among everything I have, I figured I'd share this gem. So, to explain this in a short way: I asked my supervisor to stop calling me out in our work group chat (I have screenshots of this), and to stop encouraging my coworkers to also do this, and to not share anything about me any further, because he decided to post screenshots of…


Sorry everyone, I posted this on a cuff, because I was trying to hurry out of my garage without leaving any of my personal belongings behind.

MIND YOU: This video is from February 27th and the only way I kept my job was trying to move to a new supervisor and by agreeing with their boss and the Union to have my record cleared. To quote Richard “Old Man” Harrison, “Those b@stards lied to me!”

Yeah, things escalated to where I had to quit today, so among everything I have, I figured I'd share this gem.

So, to explain this in a short way:

I asked my supervisor to stop calling me out in our work group chat (I have screenshots of this), and to stop encouraging my coworkers to also do this, and to not share anything about me any further, because he decided to post screenshots of where he was speaking with another supervisor about issuing a discipline to me, due to that supervisor missing out on a sale, because I canceled a job due to the customer being at a store with the supervisor.

Any way, he immediately denies this instead of asking what I'm saying: Forehead Vein #1

I proceed to explain to him that it is true and that it's considered harassment and needs to stop, or I'll go to the Union: Forehead Vein #2

He then questions whether it's even provable, to which I explain it to him like he's 5 and then: Forehead Vein #3

Imagine, if you would, this man yelling loud enough to draw the attention of everyone in the yard and neighboring yards of different businesses a mere two feet away from my face (*like 20+ people)

He then proceeds to go on about how I'm betraying him, how I'm just stabbing him in the back; to go ahead and get a lawyer, it's my fight to lose and AT&T has hundreds of them

How I mentioned there are people (*witnesses.exe) and he needs to stop, to which he stands in front of the garage opening bay and yells at everyone present to gather around; that if I want witnesses, here, I'll get them for you

Followed by him at some point getting quiet, then immediately angry, stomping inside through the garage and yelling, and then this video

Oh, let's not forget; this is the same man who I've gone to so many times about acts of discrimination, with such classics as having your sexuality targeted, being questioned about why you and your boyfriend (Now Ex, thanks AT&T), being setup in situations that cause my PTSD to trigger which allows him to issue misconduct write-ups, being cussed out by a Lead Technician in a way that I found offensive (And I cuss a lot at work, but I keep it quiet), and comments like, “Whys'd you cancel this job? Did you have another one for your little weird freakouts or wimp out?”

(*I've worked with some blue coller people, but at least they were chill and didn't care about my psych appointments, didn't judge me about my mental health trigger moments, and didn't judge my sexuality – they helped me. They treated me as equals. We sadly worked together under bad companies then.)

AT&T should drop the whole “safe and inclusive” environment hiring format, because I have reasonable belief I am at threat, because an employee texted me and told me “I will not let you disrespect me” after I called him out by starting with “Bullsh!t” as my first work.

Respect is earned, Not given.

Also I tried posting this on work reform but botched it So sorry if you saw this there, but I hope adding the context will help now!

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