
How do I help out my fellow employees?

First of all: Sorry in advance, I wasn't sure if this was 100% the best place to post this but couldn't immediately find a better place to do so. If you know of one, feel free to let me know! So, anyway. To keep it relatively vague here if I can, let's just say my shitty workplace has fucked me over for the last time. As part of their ops/office team, I know a lot of the little inner workings of this place. I'm the closest thing to HR, though I have no certs/degrees in HR. I mainly do onboarding/offboarding and simple things like that, and defer to our outsourced HR company for anything else. With that said, since this place has screwed me royally, I have been spending a lot of time being petty and screwing them in the most anti-work ways. For example, that thing the company does…

First of all: Sorry in advance, I wasn't sure if this was 100% the best place to post this but couldn't immediately find a better place to do so. If you know of one, feel free to let me know!

So, anyway. To keep it relatively vague here if I can, let's just say my shitty workplace has fucked me over for the last time. As part of their ops/office team, I know a lot of the little inner workings of this place. I'm the closest thing to HR, though I have no certs/degrees in HR. I mainly do onboarding/offboarding and simple things like that, and defer to our outsourced HR company for anything else.

With that said, since this place has screwed me royally, I have been spending a lot of time being petty and screwing them in the most anti-work ways. For example, that thing the company does that is not in compliance with payroll laws that they said they can't/won't fix because they can't afford to after I suggested they fix it at the start of 2023? Well I hope all the fines the Dept of Labor gives them for it will make it more affordable now that I've reported the company for it 🙂

Sorry, I rambled a bit. On to the actual issue:

Since I am HR-esque, I track PTO and sick time. There are a couple of guys here that have significantly less PTO time than the rest of the team, even though they've worked here several years longer than most of them. The company hires new hires at the higher PTO amount even, but won't give these guys the extra days to match. I even asked once if we could bring their allowed PTO days up to match, and my boss said, verbatim, “Nah, fuck those guys.” They're good guys and work hard, so what the fuck?

How can I tell these guys that their PTO is lower than everyone else's without getting myself fired? It's a small office, it wouldn't be hard to guess it was me even with a nonwork email.

Side question: I'm trying to be more petty and just cause more trouble to make the owners' lives hard – for example, their website has SEVERAL inaccuracies. From services we're not qualified or able to offer, 24/7 emergency and weekend service “guaranteed” to our customers that we do not have nor offer because they don't want to pay techs to do it, right down to the days/hours were listed as open. Is there any place to report them for that? It's technically false advertising in a way, but it's not explicit.

Any suggestions welcome, thanks for reading my long rambling rant here!!

TLDR; Some fellow employees have less PTO than the rest, how can I tell them without getting myself fired?

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