
Should I tell my boss in my resignation letter that the reason I wanna go is her b*tchy consultant friend?

Today I decided to resign from my job. I’ve been really unsure about it for a while, but today, something really it triggered me. To give you some context I work as a marketing coordinator in an entry-level job, with an entry-level salary, while covering managerial tasks. My boss decided to hire her friend as a marketing consultant to our department. I’m all for having someone experienced as an added value to our team & for me to learn from them, but ever since the woman came all she’s done is criticize us, especially me. It’s literally only been two days! The first video I showed her was about me explaining a new promotion we have going on. She criticized how I apparently wore too much make up on the video; and mind you I made sure it wasn’t a lot. I’m not stupid. Then I sent a post I…

Today I decided to resign from my job. I’ve been really unsure about it for a while, but today, something really it triggered me. To give you some context I work as a marketing coordinator in an entry-level job, with an entry-level salary, while covering managerial tasks.

My boss decided to hire her friend as a marketing consultant to our department. I’m all for having someone experienced as an added value to our team & for me to learn from them, but ever since the woman came all she’s done is criticize us, especially me. It’s literally only been two days!

The first video I showed her was about me explaining a new promotion we have going on. She criticized how I apparently wore too much make up on the video; and mind you I made sure it wasn’t a lot. I’m not stupid. Then I sent a post I designed for Instagram which follows a certain template, and for that simple visual with barely 2 words on it, she had five comments to give me. She also complained about us not having enough Instagram followers without even asking to see reports showing our progress.

My last straw was today, when I sent a video marketing the coffee we sell in our stores: 1) she didn’t like how the guys talked 2) she thought his shirt was short -when it was just fit- 3) she thought it was too detailed -video was 49 sec- 4) she thought we needed to focus on one type of coffee instead of the whole machine. If she asked to make the video shorter, I would’ve been fine with it but I know my audience, I know what they like, and I know what product I should be showcasing in my video. Numbers don’t lie and it’s very unprofessional for her to be giving feedback solely based on personal preferences.

She cant just come out of nowhere, and not ask for any reports, not ask about our strategies, not try to understand how we work, not even ask for any context, and just start being bossy and criticizing everything we do simply to seem relevant. On top of that, I feel betrayed by my boss; instead of standing up for her team, she’s been clapping and supporting her friend/consultant. As far as I’m concerned, that new woman is not qualified to be giving us orders and feedback. From what I’ve seen she has no clue how social media works.

And so I’ve decided to resign as soon as I get a new job. So should I tell my boss in my resignation letter that the reason I wanna go is her b*tchy consultant friend? I’m honestly dying to give her a peace of my mind.

TL;DR: boss hired new friend as a consultant for our department, and all the latter has done is criticize my work without viewing reports or asking about my strategy. Now I wanna resign now.

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