
How to approach

So I have a meeting with my boss and my team coming up about a question we proposed. Little background… First my job is partly hands on, during covid we switched to an every other day to keep the amount of people working together to a very small group. The days we were at home we did what we could and if something needed to be completed we asked those in the office to help. Turn around time on projects remained the same. As covid eased, we were brought back 4 days a week with one day at home. Other departments were still one week in, one week at home. They then by the fall brought as us back to everyday, yet other departments still were one week on and off. We kept being told by management that by the new year everyone would be back in the office. So…

So I have a meeting with my boss and my team coming up about a question we proposed.

Little background…
First my job is partly hands on, during covid we switched to an every other day to keep the amount of people working together to a very small group. The days we were at home we did what we could and if something needed to be completed we asked those in the office to help. Turn around time on projects remained the same. As covid eased, we were brought back 4 days a week with one day at home. Other departments were still one week in, one week at home. They then by the fall brought as us back to everyday, yet other departments still were one week on and off.
We kept being told by management that by the new year everyone would be back in the office.
So here we are 4 months in and no change to the other departments.

The argument bought up by us, was if we could have the one day from home again or compensation.

Since we find it unfair that as a company some departments can save during this inflation and we can't. Also we didn't get a cost of living increase last year but a merit one, which I am guessing is going to be the same this year. And no one can seem to tell you how that is determined.

Now my boss is the type that if you have a great idea they will claim it as their own, say one thing and do another, as well as if you suggest something just turn it down immediately. Their boss above them, when we casually spoke to them about it, didn't see the one day from home being an issue. So we are unsure if our request was even bought up.

They are coming in to speak with us and tell us the reasons behind both being turned down. I was just hoping someone out there in the internet could give me some advise on what to say back. As I feel my anger will get the better of me in the meeting.

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