
Walmart ghosted my son just on the rumor of a two-week notice

My son has been working at Walmart Distribution, overnight shifts, while he completes his career/tech program at the local community college. He has been there a little less than a year, and has been a good man on the job, swapping shifts and training into multiple areas, popular with his bosses. A worker. He got an opportunity to get a head start in his career field with a new job. He scheduled himself an off-day and told one of his friendly managers he might be submitting a two-week notice next day. Cheers. Congrats. We love you but you're moving on up. Right? Wrong. While preparing to go back to work next day, he got a call from “the office” at the distribution center, who mentioned to him over the phone they'd heard he was putting in a two-week notice. They told him he could not return to work until he…

My son has been working at Walmart Distribution, overnight shifts, while he completes his career/tech program at the local community college. He has been there a little less than a year, and has been a good man on the job, swapping shifts and training into multiple areas, popular with his bosses. A worker.

He got an opportunity to get a head start in his career field with a new job. He scheduled himself an off-day and told one of his friendly managers he might be submitting a two-week notice next day. Cheers. Congrats. We love you but you're moving on up. Right?

Wrong. While preparing to go back to work next day, he got a call from “the office” at the distribution center, who mentioned to him over the phone they'd heard he was putting in a two-week notice. They told him he could not return to work until he filled out “leave of absence” paperwork. He explained he wasn't taking a leave of absence, he just wanted to come back and work his last two weeks and planned on turning in a letter that evening. Doesn't matter – the lady gave him a number to call and told him he could not return until he'd spoken with the manager at that number.

My son spent the next three days trying to call that number. No one ever answered. No one ever called back. He never heard from any of the “friendly” managers. He called his new job and they told him to come on in Monday and let him get started two weeks early. I asked him if he were going to call any of the “friendly” managers and explain it and he said “fuck 'em.”

I agree. Fuck Walmart. And fuck the notion of “doing the right thing.” He was a good employee and wanted to keep the bridge unburned, but Walmart torched it on his behalf.

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