
Got approved time off (one day) for being a bridesmaid in my friend’s wedding. The week of the wedding my boss claimed I never requested time off. So I called out for the entire weekend. Place fell apart while I was gone.

I put in my request months in advance. I took a picture of the request form, and verified with my supervisor a few days later that the request had been approved. I had only requested off for Saturday (the day of the wedding). The week of the wedding rolled around and I was listed on the schedule for Saturday. I told my supervisor that I was supposed to have that day off, but she claimed I had never requested any time off. I showed her the picture and date of the form on my phone, but she still claimed that there was no paperwork for it. I explained that, as a bridesmaid, there were specific responsibilities I had agreed to take on in order for the wedding to go smoothly, so it would be illogical for me to have not put in a request form. She still wouldn't budge. She…

I put in my request months in advance. I took a picture of the request form, and verified with my supervisor a few days later that the request had been approved. I had only requested off for Saturday (the day of the wedding). The week of the wedding rolled around and I was listed on the schedule for Saturday. I told my supervisor that I was supposed to have that day off, but she claimed I had never requested any time off. I showed her the picture and date of the form on my phone, but she still claimed that there was no paperwork for it. I explained that, as a bridesmaid, there were specific responsibilities I had agreed to take on in order for the wedding to go smoothly, so it would be illogical for me to have not put in a request form. She still wouldn't budge. She obviously just didn't want to admit her mistake and fix it. So I called out sick Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and had a fantastic weekend celebrating with all of my friends. My workplace completely fell apart and lost a ton of revenue on those days because there's only 2 people in the company who could do my job, and the other person refused to come in on their days off. My supervisor also didn't come in, so my job just didn't get done forn3 days. When I came back my supervisor and the head boss tried to get me to admit that I hadn't been sick, but I didn't budge at all. I rage quit 2 months later, and this incident was one of the many reasons why.

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