
I’m quitting my job tomorrow

i started this job in November and it's gone downhill really fast. to sum up a lot of bad in a few words, we got a new manager in December and she clearly doesn't like me at all. always giving me negative feedback, doesnt listen to me or take me seriously, she is standoffish and rude. this company has also had to backpay me for not paying me properly. i've had to go to HR for various incidents with a cowrker being transphobic to me (i'm FTM). it hasn't gotten better. i'm so sick of all of it. the situation now is that a week or so ago, a patient called me an “it”. this was in response to me asking how could i help him (I am a receptionist at a Dr's office) and his response was to hold his finger in my face and say “it, she, whatever”…

i started this job in November and it's gone downhill really fast. to sum up a lot of bad in a few words, we got a new manager in December and she clearly doesn't like me at all. always giving me negative feedback, doesnt listen to me or take me seriously, she is standoffish and rude. this company has also had to backpay me for not paying me properly. i've had to go to HR for various incidents with a cowrker being transphobic to me (i'm FTM). it hasn't gotten better. i'm so sick of all of it.

the situation now is that a week or so ago, a patient called me an “it”. this was in response to me asking how could i help him (I am a receptionist at a Dr's office) and his response was to hold his finger in my face and say “it, she, whatever” when i mentioned i am a guy. i was very calmly like “that's disrespectful and hurtful, please don't refer to me or as an it”

well my manager and corporate have since come down on me several times saying that i was combative with the patient who is a “guest in our home”. i was told yesterday by the regional manager that i was just perceiving it as bigotry and that I need to also take accountability and see the bigger picture and stop trying to change people's opinions. she told me since she's a cis woman living in the patriarchy, she knows what i'm going through, but that I can't change who people are and i should know better. i told her that being called “it” is a slur and i felt unsafe. i had to see that patient again yesterday. this company boasts being LGBTQ+ friendly by the way. at the end of it she said she'd pray for me and told me my work happiness is entirely dependent on me. disgusting.

fine then, i was off today, and tomorrow i'm going into work to just to grab my belongings, and then I'm leaving. i've never quit a job like this before though and for some reason i am insanely anxious. I don't know why; I don't owe anything to them and I'm so unhappy here plus they underpay me. has anyone quit a job in a similar way? how did it make you feel?

tldr: I'm quitting my job tomorrow after a customer called me a slur and my managers defended them

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