
Is this labor law legal?

I’m in MN. Me and my sister work at a company that requires us to travel long hours (we get paid for most of that travel time) and work 12-15 hour shifts. We stay in hotels. We both got violently ill. We’re out of state. Job threatened to have us driven back home because of it and required a doctor note the same day. Like immediately. We are out of state. I already called my doctor and asked if they can do anything. Hospitals and clinics outside of networks. Not paying a hospital bill for a note. We came in to work the next day and got shouted at, reprimanded, and now we are being forced to sit in the van for the whole 12-15 hours at this very moment and we are in a different state mind you. Trying to work with HR to get paid for this. I…

I’m in MN. Me and my sister work at a company that requires us to travel long hours (we get paid for most of that travel time) and work 12-15 hour shifts. We stay in hotels. We both got violently ill. We’re out of state. Job threatened to have us driven back home because of it and required a doctor note the same day. Like immediately. We are out of state. I already called my doctor and asked if they can do anything. Hospitals and clinics outside of networks. Not paying a hospital bill for a note. We came in to work the next day and got shouted at, reprimanded, and now we are being forced to sit in the van for the whole 12-15 hours at this very moment and we are in a different state mind you. Trying to work with HR to get paid for this.
I believe they are also participating in retaliation because we have received unequal treatment compared to similar coworkers. We were told off for being unfair to our team causing them to get out 45 minutes later yet we are prohibited from working today.
They force our coworkers to work while actively sick ultimately making others sick. They would be throwing up on the job.
I believe it is retaliation because we are both sisters and they probably think we’re trying to get off but we ate the same food slept the same place and shared the same bathroom.

My questions are…
What are my rights?
Is one break legal in a 12 hour shift? (Just an hour lunch)
Should I be getting paid for this?
What should I do about the retaliation?

Sorry if I’m asking any dumb questions. I’m an adult teen who hasn’t been in the workforce long and I am confused about my rights seeing different answers online.

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