
No Pay Bump and Cut My Raise: A Rant

I work at an assisted living community. In December my boss promised all employees that we would get a “cost of living” raise in January for 5%. Our floor workers would also be getting a pay bump of $2/hour to bring them up to the industry standard for our area. Well by mid-January I never got my 5% so I asked my boss about it to which he replied “Why would you get a raise in January? You aren't getting your 5% until April. No one is getting it until April.” I asked around and everyone distinctly remembers being told January, but whatever I let it go… My 1st mistake. 1.5 months ago I addressed with my boss that my job title and description don't really encompass what I do. My official title was Admin Assistant but he calls me his Business Office Manager and I do all payables and…

I work at an assisted living community. In December my boss promised all employees that we would get a “cost of living” raise in January for 5%. Our floor workers would also be getting a pay bump of $2/hour to bring them up to the industry standard for our area. Well by mid-January I never got my 5% so I asked my boss about it to which he replied “Why would you get a raise in January? You aren't getting your 5% until April. No one is getting it until April.” I asked around and everyone distinctly remembers being told January, but whatever I let it go… My 1st mistake.

1.5 months ago I addressed with my boss that my job title and description don't really encompass what I do. My official title was Admin Assistant but he calls me his Business Office Manager and I do all payables and receivables for our community. He agreed I needed a new title and a pay bump. After 3 weeks of constant hounding he presents me with my new title and job description (everything I was currently doing). But no pay bump because 1. I've only been here 9 months and that's not fair to employees who have been here longer and 2. I'm getting 5% in April and there was no way I'd be getting 2 raises back to back. I might get one after my annual review. I didn't push it but accepted the title change (for a few reasons)… My 2nd mistake

Today boss says my official raise letter has arrived and he'll give it to me after our leadership meeting. During said meeting he informs us that because our floor workers got their $2 bump corporate cannot afford to give us our 5%, instead people will be getting 1-3%. And not in April but on their anniversary. 4 others and myself are still getting a raise in April but only for 3%. I'm fuming. And so is EVERYONE else.

Now it's important to note here that I was in all the budget meetings for 2023. I saw them workout giving our floor workers $2 then everyone 5%. It was all arranged and approved. We raised our rent 6%. We severely cut budgets for multiple departments, and a few have even been under budget the entire 1st quarter. We have the money, I KNOW we do. I know because it's my fucking job to know.

In a fortuitous turn of events I happen to have a job interview tomorrow. So cross your fingers and toes for me!

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