
Nothing will ever change if nobody steps forward to organize.

We all have to get used to getting fucked by our country because no central organization is making plans for a national strike. 2 weeks of a U.S. national strike would grind this country to a halt, and nobody will ever see it because nobody has the fucking guts to set a time and date and spread the word. “Why don’t you do it, dickhead?” I’ve tried posting on here to rally and organize but was batted down because “everyone has been saying the same thing.” It will only get worse from here if nothing is done.

We all have to get used to getting fucked by our country because no central organization is making plans for a national strike. 2 weeks of a U.S. national strike would grind this country to a halt, and nobody will ever see it because nobody has the fucking guts to set a time and date and spread the word.
“Why don’t you do it, dickhead?” I’ve tried posting on here to rally and organize but was batted down because “everyone has been saying the same thing.” It will only get worse from here if nothing is done.

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