My soon to be former workplace introduced this “profit sharing bonus” last year, that the company will provide certain % of your current salary as a bonus if the company meets the target goals.
For this, anyone who has worked last year would be eligible for it, as long as they are employed until the end of March 2023.
I have handed in my letter of resignation and gave them 6 weeks of notice, instead of the standard 4 weeks of notice, so I can help them with the month end, finishing at the end of next week, leaving on a good note.
So, it was to my great surprise to hear that everyone has gotten their bonuses paid last night, but I'm sorry, I don't see a fucking cent deposited into my account.
When I spoke to my manager about it, she gave me some random response from HR that made little to no sense, and I'm starting to think that they're trying to tell me that because I have handed in my resignation before the payout has gone out, I am not eligible.
I'm sorry, but are you fucking kidding me?
Sorry, just needed to vent and I'm actually thinking of just finishing a week early, for good. Never give your loyalty to anyone that won't give you the same courtesy. Lesson learned.