
Should I quit my part time retail job?

I’m 21 years old and I’m from the UK and I currently have a part time retail job at a supermarket. It’s my first ever job which I got last year. I just honestly can’t handle the job half the time, the amount of stress and depression it causes having to deal with the general dumb public and everything else with it, whether it’s a few idiots moving extremely slowly in the way, or whether it’s all these demands which seem to require so much effort for basically nothing in return. It all feels pointless. Retail must be one of the worst job options ever because I’m only working 16 hours a week and I’m already feeling like this, so I can’t imagine working 35+ hours a week in this shitty working environment just to afford to live. The only issue with quitting is, I basically have no other job…

I’m 21 years old and I’m from the UK and I currently have a part time retail job at a supermarket. It’s my first ever job which I got last year. I just honestly can’t handle the job half the time, the amount of stress and depression it causes having to deal with the general dumb public and everything else with it, whether it’s a few idiots moving extremely slowly in the way, or whether it’s all these demands which seem to require so much effort for basically nothing in return. It all feels pointless. Retail must be one of the worst job options ever because I’m only working 16 hours a week and I’m already feeling like this, so I can’t imagine working 35+ hours a week in this shitty working environment just to afford to live.

The only issue with quitting is, I basically have no other job options. I really want to go to University eventually but I currently have an ongoing health issue which requires me to lose loads of weight and get down to a healthy weight for my height, where I may have to potentially have surgery in the near future, so I don’t feel mentally and emotionally prepared to start University until my health is sorted. The problem with quitting is, I will be unemployed again and I will essentially be harassed by Universal Credit again. Also obviously I will lose most of my money, but then again I only earn around £650 a month from working anyway which is barely anything.

I don’t just don’t know what to do. Part of me is telling me to just stay there until my health is sorted and then eventually go to University, but another part is telling me to fully put myself and my health first.

The job is also extremely repetitive and boring. It’s so bad that sometimes I even take longer breaks because I can’t be bothered with it. I intentionally avoid my managers and coworkers most of the time and I just barely talk. On the way to work I just always keep thinking it’s a waste of time and it’s another shitty day of customers getting in my way and me being treated like an idiot for like barely any money..

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