
In a few hours I have my 90 Day Review. I need tips on negotiating my pay raise!

Per the terms of my contract when I was hired, after 90 days my hourly rate is up for discussion. When I was hired they listed an hourly rate between 19-22 hours. I asked for for 20, they countered with 19 with a performance based raise after I hit my 90. How do you/ would handle discussing cost of living/bills during the negotiation. Between COLA, inflation and rent/bills I’m barely breaking even. I know when I bring this fact up my employer (a small, but very successful business) will just shrug and tell me that’s a personal problem. So that’s why I’m posting, how have you all handled such a discussion in the past?

Per the terms of my contract when I was hired, after 90 days my hourly rate is up for discussion. When I was hired they listed an hourly rate between 19-22 hours. I asked for for 20, they countered with 19 with a performance based raise after I hit my 90.

How do you/ would handle discussing cost of living/bills during the negotiation. Between COLA, inflation and rent/bills I’m barely breaking even. I know when I bring this fact up my employer (a small, but very successful business) will just shrug and tell me that’s a personal problem. So that’s why I’m posting, how have you all handled such a discussion in the past?

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