
Boss’s boss is protecting him, and my department is bleeding workers as a result

I'm so frustrated with this shit. I haven't been trained, my boss never actually gets info to the people that need it, I finally ask for a meeting with his boss, and he threatened me by saying my job is on the line for not coming to him sooner, my boss still is doing the same shit as always and it hasn't improved. Come to find out his boss has told this to multiple people in my company to where they're too scared to report anything my boss does because of the idea that anything they say will blow up in their face while my boss still galavants around being loose with standards. I've talked to multiple people that basically were threatened into shutting up or told that our boss was still learning, or it's his word against ours. Nearly every lead in my area has had the same experience.…

I'm so frustrated with this shit. I haven't been trained, my boss never actually gets info to the people that need it, I finally ask for a meeting with his boss, and he threatened me by saying my job is on the line for not coming to him sooner, my boss still is doing the same shit as always and it hasn't improved. Come to find out his boss has told this to multiple people in my company to where they're too scared to report anything my boss does because of the idea that anything they say will blow up in their face while my boss still galavants around being loose with standards. I've talked to multiple people that basically were threatened into shutting up or told that our boss was still learning, or it's his word against ours. Nearly every lead in my area has had the same experience. I feel utterly powerless because the reason I went above his head is I know I need training on a few specific processes, I still haven't had them, probably won't be getting them, and I know if I do it wrong it will be my fault despite me doing everything in my power to get the training. Getting my job threatened because I didn't do it sooner even though I've been begging everyone around me for more training. I haven't even been updated in the system to a manager yet, so I can't update my people to show they've gotten training + access some things in the system despite being in the position for 4 months, and I don't even know who I'm meant to go to and if I DO go somewhere, if my job will be threatened as a result. It's so lose lose so I've just taken to going to the other managers who were here before my current boss in order to learn the systems and do as much as I can with what I can access.
Someone else was promoted at about the same time as me and is having the same issues, including have my boss's boss threaten him, because he had a problem with an employee who he was suspicious was breaking things which he told to my boss months ago, who never documented it, and then lied to his boss saying he was never told this. This other manager said he was also threatened because he should have told someone sooner (he did!)
I don't even know what to do in this situation, and it's frustrating because we are so short staffed and still bleeding people because even when they get 15 trainees at a time, they're still in the negative with those trainees and older people leaving. I'm trying to transfer into a different department but it's still just so frustrating.

oh and we've all been working weekends to deal with the understaffing/bleeding staff to boot. We were working 14 days on, 1 off, meaning only two days off a month. We finally got to a point where we get Sundays off but because of the bleeding staff it's almost certain to get to a point where it's every weekend again

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