
About at the end of my rope with this job…

For context: In my current position I work as a supply chain analyst at a hospital. It's incredibly unrewarding and frustrating work for pretty low pay. In short, I don't get paid enough to put up with what I'm about to tell you about. Also, I've been at this job for a little over a year now. Ok so Wednesday afternoon at about 3:30 it's closing time and I'm headed out the door with a buddy of mine who works in receiving when I hear loud (and I mean LOUD) yelling coming from the warehouse. I decided to check it out to make sure it wasn't someone injured or something of the sort as we do have some fall risks on the team. When I turn the corner I see one of the newer techs (he's been working for us about 4 months) absolutely shredding one of the older seasoned…

For context: In my current position I work as a supply chain analyst at a hospital. It's incredibly unrewarding and frustrating work for pretty low pay. In short, I don't get paid enough to put up with what I'm about to tell you about. Also, I've been at this job for a little over a year now.

Ok so Wednesday afternoon at about 3:30 it's closing time and I'm headed out the door with a buddy of mine who works in receiving when I hear loud (and I mean LOUD) yelling coming from the warehouse. I decided to check it out to make sure it wasn't someone injured or something of the sort as we do have some fall risks on the team.

When I turn the corner I see one of the newer techs (he's been working for us about 4 months) absolutely shredding one of the older seasoned techs. When I say this guy was peppering him I mean he was really going in. I felt bad for the older tech and I also didn't want either of these guys to get in trouble if a manager walked by especially if they were a clinical manager or sup. So I politely yet firmly tell them to cut it out to the tune of “Guys stop. Take it to the back and talk it out.” They ignored me and I was happy to leave it at that until the newer tech started getting up in the older tech's face. I legitimately thought we were about to be dealing with an assault at that point because he was on the edge of throwing punches. So I told them again a 2nd time and finally a 3rd time to stop. The older tech walked off and the newer tech started yelling at me telling me to “Pack your happy ass up and go home.” I was a little stunned but I told him I knew he was upset but both of them need to calm down and talk to the supervisors tomorrow. The yelling continued but the older tech kept walking away so eventually I felt it was time to leave as well.

As soon as I got back to my car I made sure to call the manager to let him know what happened. I was the only leadership in the office at the time so I felt like I needed to pass it along to someone who could actually do something about the situation.

Anyways, fast forward to today. Both techs got a firm talking to, which is par for the course around there, and I'm out talking to my buddy in receiving about baseball. Out of nowhere angry tech comes around the corner and asks to talk to me. I say sure knowing it's gonna be some sort of awkward conversation. Next thing I know he's lighting me up calling me a snitch (I told him yes, I did call our manager so I'll own that) among other things. It didn't bother me too much until he said two things: 1) “Get a life” and 2) “You're nobody around here.”

The entire time I've been here I've been getting accolades for my work and I'm not always happy there but at least it was bearable. But now I just feel absolutely crushed. The way he said it so nonchalantly and while laughing just made me feel like shit. His whole accusation was that I had been telling people about the whole situation, which is empirically untrue because he was citing hearing rumors that I would have literally had no way of knowing the details of given I hadn't been there for any of the followup to the initial incident.

Anyways, the beratement lasted for about 15 minutes and went nowhere other than in circles because he kept wanting me to admit to gossiping. Each time I refused he would try gaslighting me into believing I had (I actually looked up gaslighting tactics and he checked the box on a few of them). After it was over and done with he finally let me out of the corner he had me in and I went back to my work but I was visibly shook.

I'm just sitting here now feeling like shit about myself and I don't know if maybe I really am the one whose fault it was or if he's the one being an asshole? Idk I just haven't felt this low about something in a while.

A tech who works for the hospital I work in got verbally abusive and in the face of another tech, so I reported the incident. Skip forward two days and he essentially rinse and repeated the process with me. Now I feel like shit about work and myself.

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