
My boss fired me because he found out I was attempting to help my daughter with an abortion after she was abused, now I’m not sure how how to proceed

So this is probably the biggest longshot post on this sub, but since people here help each other and know about being screwed by employers I guess it won't hurt to try, I've been trying everything else. I'm in Alabama in a small ruralish town and I work a retail job that has a crooked boss that underpays but that seems to be the rule around here. I struggle all the time, even had to go into debt collections on unpaid loans and a credit card in the past a couple years ago. But since I've been at my current job for almost 3 years with slight stability but still low pay. Sadly, there's not many people hiring as jobs are still scarce around here since the covid stuff, and the jobs that pay more than junk are being held very tightly by those who have them. For good reason.…

So this is probably the biggest longshot post on this sub, but since people here help each other and know about being screwed by employers I guess it won't hurt to try, I've been trying everything else.

I'm in Alabama in a small ruralish town and I work a retail job that has a crooked boss that underpays but that seems to be the rule around here. I struggle all the time, even had to go into debt collections on unpaid loans and a credit card in the past a couple years ago. But since I've been at my current job for almost 3 years with slight stability but still low pay. Sadly, there's not many people hiring as jobs are still scarce around here since the covid stuff, and the jobs that pay more than junk are being held very tightly by those who have them. For good reason.

Recently, my daughter was taken advantage of at a party, she was drugged(heavy alcohol) and was sexually assaulted barely aware of her surroundings. We don't know who did it and it's still being investigated (though obviously I doubt their really trying) but she is in hysterics.

I was planning to take one of PTO to drive her to a facility where I could purchase for her a pill that will prevent her from having to deal with a child that was the result of her being drugged and abused. My Daughter barely socializes anymore since the incident.

Unfortunately one of my co-workers found out and relayed this too my boss, who took me in his office. We had an argument about the situation, I tried to reasonably explain the circumstances but he would not accept it. He eventually told me to get back on the floor and we would discuss this later.

1 hour after, I was cited by the store security for misconduct and attempting to steal, which is 100% fucking fake because that didn't happen, and the security escorted me out and said I would receive a letter in the mail with more details of my termination.

Problem is there is no way I can prove it, he made up a fake reason for the termination. The offices at my business don't have any cameras, and I wasn't fired in person, he send two security staff to escort me out saying i'm getting a letter.

The biggest problem I am facing now, is that I have no idea how long it will take for me to get a new job to bring in income now. Because of this I have to try and salvage what I have. The state is incredibly slow with social services take months of waiting, which is the first place I turned to & are of no help short-term.

So right now I can't risk driving her wasting gas, to get her to the facility she needs to, and pay the $150 the medication she needs to take, to resolve the rape issue. I really can't drive very far anywhere now actually.

I just can't risk it now since I don't currently have a job. If I waste the $150 for the pill and to get her there, there would not be enough money for food, unexpected expenses, hygiene, whatever clothes I might need if I get a new job if there is a dress code, and other expenses.

I feel like my life is falling apart. I've been staying up researching various ways, even trying to apply for the predatory loans/credit cards out of desperation, but they also deny me based on my recent defaulting history even if it was somewhat long ago, but not long enough apparently.

My boss wanted me to choose between her and his political beliefs. In the end my now former boss had the power to decide for me and fired me.

What's worse is that being in a small town in the south, employers basically have immunity. I've been trying to figure out this nightmare but there doesn't seems to be help available.

The whole thing is soul crushing.

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