
Can your manager tell an admin about your work accommodations?

I work in the US and am coming back to work after a leave of absence. I gave my workplace accommodation documentation to HR who gave the minimal amount of information to my manager to let him know. My manager cc'd me and HR stating that he was cc'ing the head admin of our department so she could be aware of the accommodations as well. The accommodations are very minor and will not be noticeable by anyone in the workplace. Is this even allowed? I've reached out to HR at this point, but I am not okay with this. It should be noted that when I spoke to this admin previously about potentially taking a little time off for my health, they guilted me, saying that I'd be letting my team down, and asked if I could even do my job if I had my health condition. It's too late…

I work in the US and am coming back to work after a leave of absence. I gave my workplace accommodation documentation to HR who gave the minimal amount of information to my manager to let him know. My manager cc'd me and HR stating that he was cc'ing the head admin of our department so she could be aware of the accommodations as well. The accommodations are very minor and will not be noticeable by anyone in the workplace. Is this even allowed? I've reached out to HR at this point, but I am not okay with this.

It should be noted that when I spoke to this admin previously about potentially taking a little time off for my health, they guilted me, saying that I'd be letting my team down, and asked if I could even do my job if I had my health condition. It's too late to do anything about that (edit: the telling me I'd be letting the team down) experience, but I'm really freaking out about how to handle this return to work, where I am wholeheartedly expecting full blown retaliation. Is there anything I can do at this point? I've been applying to other jobs, but I'm really worried about what's going to happen

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