
This was the (day early) April fools joke today….

Back in September I accepted a job with a company that's relatively close to what i used to do. There have been a number of things that have convinced me to GTFO as soon as I possibly can, not the least of which is the abusive behavior by management, but this one took the cake. Most people in my dept work 7-3:30, but during tax season, it can be much more. Right now we're at a brief lull until the next form-type deadline. Most of us were not working OT today, except myself, and only because of the below completely throwing me off track for an hour. Just after 1pm, we get a meeting invite for 2pm. In this meeting, we get told that HR came down on our great-grand-manager about our procedures (our team lead, and GGB herself were both there in the meeting). Suddenly, ALL of our 1k+…

Back in September I accepted a job with a company that's relatively close to what i used to do.

There have been a number of things that have convinced me to GTFO as soon as I possibly can, not the least of which is the abusive behavior by management, but this one took the cake.

Most people in my dept work 7-3:30, but during tax season, it can be much more. Right now we're at a brief lull until the next form-type deadline. Most of us were not working OT today, except myself, and only because of the below completely throwing me off track for an hour.

Just after 1pm, we get a meeting invite for 2pm. In this meeting, we get told that HR came down on our great-grand-manager about our procedures (our team lead, and GGB herself were both there in the meeting). Suddenly, ALL of our 1k+ procedures have to be updated with specific things by EOD Tuesday. We all get told to expect to work at least 8hrs this weekend, and if we can't do it Saturday, then we have to do it Sunday.

This is essentially 90mins notice. So we all start a number of side conversations, trying to tackle a game-plan on this, find out what was needed, how are we going to get work assigned, etc. My partner in crime is working the problem trying to problem solve, I'm wondering WTF I'm even allowed to update, because I keep fucking enough shit up that I doubt they'd trust me with procedures right now. Some people are starting to call their families and cancel plans. Others are getting mad because this is the first 2-day weekend break they've had all tax season.

The next impossible thing that comes to my head is that there is no way that even with all 3 managers reviewing procedures, would there be a chance in HELL of getting through that many documents in 4 days. Between that and the stressed “EVERYONE will be updating procedures” it felt off.

Then the team lead says, “One last thing guys, April Fools.”

It took me a full 5 mins to process that it was a joke and they didn't expect us to work the weekend. The meeting was 20 mins long, and this was the only topic. Well beyond a joke and into “cruel” territory. It took me another 30mins to get back on track where I had been just before the meeting started.

The team lead came over to me about 10mins after the meeting and was asking where I was on stuff, and I told him I'd be farther out if I could concentrate on my work.

“Everyone needed a laugh!!”

No, I needed to go home with only 30mins OT. You guys paid for 90mins instead and wasted an hour of my weekend and (unlike everyone else except my problem solving partner) I will be working tomorrow.

I just can't understand why GGB thought it was okay to do that. She's a SVP and should know better.

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