I’m currently in the midst of a high risk pregnancy. Just finished the first trimester and have needed some time off from work to go to doctors appointments and ultrasounds. I was originally pregnant with twins and one isn’t going to make it. Needless to say it’s been tough on me and hard to process. Right after I got that news, me and my 1 1/2 yo got diagnosed with Covid. We were so so sick and since I WFH my manager expected me to just work through… until I specifically asked if there was someone I could talk to about taking time off to get better for me and my kid. They gave me 5 days and on the third I was threatened with losing my job because I didn’t say “ I’m still sick “ every morning to my manager. That was a couple weeks ago. Fast forward to yesterday. I requested half the day off to attend another doctor appointment for my pregnancy. Things went BAD, surviving twin is trying to send nutrients to non-surviving twin and now I have to go see specialists. Of course my manager has been getting on me about missing days of work/sales goals and how it counts against me blah blah blah. So even though I’m distraught I sign into work to sell fucking life insurance while I’m dealing with losing one child and possibly the other. By the grace of god my internet went out, preventing me from doing my job. I get a message from manager, this is a no call no show now and more points added on and blah blah fucking blah. This company only allows medical time taken off if you’ve been with them over a year which I haven’t. They’re not offering maternity leave and they give me an issue anytime I need time off even though I’ve shared more than I’m comfortable with about my situation.
I say all this shit to say. There should be more leniency for medical situations and things that are out of our control as parents. Of course, we have a job to do. But our children need us more than a multi million dollar company. Shit they need us more than your local grocery store or hair supply shop. I just hate that my job is on the line because I have a child, had Covid and am going through an already tough pregnancy.
I’m quitting today, but I needed to let this go.