
Supervisor Mindset

I've been really frustrated with supervisor mindsets recently. They seem oblivious to employee morale. They seem to only care about the numbers, downtime, profit, and acting like the Break Police. As soon as the machines stop, everybody has to be doing something or they flip out even though day shift did none of that work. I get paid to do my job, not to go above and beyond. I'm so sick of having to do my normal job, do today's tasks because other crews decided not to, then have to start the tasks for the next day (because machines are down and we know damn well dayshift won't do it). I'm so sick of management saying we took a 30minute break during out 15. It takes time to get to the break room, wash hands, come back put PPE back on. My break time should be in the cafeteria, not…

I've been really frustrated with supervisor mindsets recently. They seem oblivious to employee morale. They seem to only care about the numbers, downtime, profit, and acting like the Break Police. As soon as the machines stop, everybody has to be doing something or they flip out even though day shift did none of that work. I get paid to do my job, not to go above and beyond. I'm so sick of having to do my normal job, do today's tasks because other crews decided not to, then have to start the tasks for the next day (because machines are down and we know damn well dayshift won't do it). I'm so sick of management saying we took a 30minute break during out 15. It takes time to get to the break room, wash hands, come back put PPE back on. My break time should be in the cafeteria, not when break was called and end when I get back to my station. If that were the case, we would have a five minute break.
Why would I care about downtime? I get paid the same regardless. Management is salary, they get paid the same regardless. The only people who truly care about downtime are the upper management and CEOs. I'm so sorry your shitty machines don't work like they're suppose to, and that cuts into your yacht money. I'm sick of big companies essentially using me like I'm a goddamn robot. Realistically, we slave away for mere pennies creating product that makes this company millions and fill the pockets of the rich.

If I take a look at my life in the past couple days or the past week, I see my life being wasted away spending it all making a product, making the rich richer, and I go home to sleep and repeat. What the FUCK is the life for? Doing the same shit over and over, while the cost of living continues to increase. I'm just a meat bag of an ATM machine then I die. Existence is pain

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