
My wife has a PhD and no one cares

My wife earned her Doctorate in English at a very prestigious school. She's studied a semester at Oxford. Her dissertation was accepted by her committee with no major corrections. She's been applying to jobs for two years. Nothing fancy. Just simple editing jobs. And no one gives a shit. People don't call her back. They don't give her interviews. I've coached her extensively on how to come across more confidently in surveys and informal interactions. She's paid to have her resume redone. She's built her LinkedIn and a website. She's taken freelance work to get actual experience. Still nothing. Rejection rejection rejection. A guy in her alumni program apparently got hired almost right away doing basically the same thing. He knew someone. That someone got him a job. That's all it amounts to anymore. Do you have a friend? Do we already know you? If not, go away. Thanks for…

My wife earned her Doctorate in English at a very prestigious school. She's studied a semester at Oxford. Her dissertation was accepted by her committee with no major corrections. She's been applying to jobs for two years. Nothing fancy. Just simple editing jobs. And no one gives a shit.

People don't call her back. They don't give her interviews. I've coached her extensively on how to come across more confidently in surveys and informal interactions. She's paid to have her resume redone. She's built her LinkedIn and a website. She's taken freelance work to get actual experience. Still nothing. Rejection rejection rejection.

A guy in her alumni program apparently got hired almost right away doing basically the same thing. He knew someone. That someone got him a job. That's all it amounts to anymore. Do you have a friend? Do we already know you? If not, go away. Thanks for your application and your resume but you wasted your time. Better luck next time. Nevermind that you're the most qualified to do the job. We just give jobs to people we already like.

Fuck this world.

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