
Employer demands note from the vet for taking my dog to get her paw checked

My dog has been having an issue with her paw for days. She stepped on something and the spot is swollen and red. This morning she refused to step on her paw. So I decided to call in and tell them I'll take her to the ER vet. Usually, the wait is pretty long with people sitting outside on chairs or waiting in their cars until they're called. It's first come first serve. My supervisor texted me that he wants a note from the vet. I doubt he will give me one because that is ridiculous. But my question is, is this even lawful? As far as I know, in California where I'm located, I can call in for up to three days without providing a note.

My dog has been having an issue with her paw for days. She stepped on something and the spot is swollen and red. This morning she refused to step on her paw. So I decided to call in and tell them I'll take her to the ER vet. Usually, the wait is pretty long with people sitting outside on chairs or waiting in their cars until they're called. It's first come first serve. My supervisor texted me that he wants a note from the vet. I doubt he will give me one because that is ridiculous. But my question is, is this even lawful? As far as I know, in California where I'm located, I can call in for up to three days without providing a note.

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