
I am planning to sue my old workplace for discrimination

I was being bullied from the first day there. People were being rude as hell because I needed help with training. Scrunching up their faces, yelling why do i need help, had a nasty attitude and tone when helping me. They would try to ask personal questions and would get offended that I would not answer. They would call me the r word, crazy, ugly, and two would call me fat. They would laugh at me talking. They always talked behind my back. They would make faces and side eye me. Everyone did this to me including management. Do I have a case?

I was being bullied from the first day there. People were being rude as hell because I needed help with training. Scrunching up their faces, yelling why do i need help, had a nasty attitude and tone when helping me. They would try to ask personal questions and would get offended that I would not answer. They would call me the r word, crazy, ugly, and two would call me fat. They would laugh at me talking. They always talked behind my back. They would make faces and side eye me. Everyone did this to me including management. Do I have a case?

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