I hate my job like REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE HATE HATE MY JOB. The money is nice and the benefits are nice but God I started therapy recently along with meds and all it's made me realize is just how much I hate my job. I don't want to say thank you for calling xxx anymore. I don't know how people do this with a smile on their face for years and years and years. I've tried changing up my jobs over the years and I know deep down I just hate working but omfg I hate customer service the most.
At my current job I'm literally being paid to be verbally abused. I deal with the nastiest most sarcastic people and I hate them and I mean that whole heatedly. I start each day attempting to be positive and kind and within 30 minutes it's beat out of me. Ugh. I love what the job provides. I love taking care of my myself and my pets and I love having a routine and etc etc blah blah blah but what the fuck. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people.