
How do some people just not work? I want to not work!

Let me start by saying that I am NOT lazy. I play piano, I read, I do yard work, I cook & clean. If something needs to be done i get it done. However. I HATE work. I've had multiple jobs doing multiple different things: Working with children, cooking, waitress, factory work, call center jobs & retail. And i hate every single one of them. After a month of going to these jobs I'm already feeling burnt out. By 6 months I'm thinking about quitting every second of the day. While I'm at work i get my jobs tasks done easily and on time. And anyone of my bosses would tell you that I'm one of the hardest workers they have. But I hate it. Its soul sucking having to go to work 9 hours a day, come home go to sleep and do it all over again the next…

Let me start by saying that I am NOT lazy. I play piano, I read, I do yard work, I cook & clean. If something needs to be done i get it done.

However. I HATE work. I've had multiple jobs doing multiple different things: Working with children, cooking, waitress, factory work, call center jobs & retail. And i hate every single one of them. After a month of going to these jobs I'm already feeling burnt out. By 6 months I'm thinking about quitting every second of the day.

While I'm at work i get my jobs tasks done easily and on time. And anyone of my bosses would tell you that I'm one of the hardest workers they have. But I hate it. Its soul sucking having to go to work 9 hours a day, come home go to sleep and do it all over again the next day only for you to get 2 days off. And sometimes its only one day off because every job wants you to come in on Saturday half the time.

Like how do you get out of this trap?! There are bills to pay and children to feed but damn I'm tired of it. I want to be home with the kids, pick vegetables from the garden and just live.

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