
pregnant and new home, so can’t quit

my husband and i just sold our apartment and bought a duplex. it is lovely but definitely more mortgage than we previously were paying. i make more money in the relationship and we are comfortable paying our mortgage and expenses on our household income. however work has been very bad lately (since i started 4 years but the last 18 months since my promotion absolutely horrendous). i’ve had mental break downs, have had to leave work, have wanted to quit. my boss is great but the problem with my company is everything takes way to long to implement / change(been trying to change things for over 12 months and no one works thru me cause everyone is “to busy”). husband and i found out i’m pregnant a some time ago and am now just starting second trimester. can’t quit cause who will hire a pregnant lady and even so i…

my husband and i just sold our apartment and bought a duplex. it is lovely but definitely more mortgage than we previously were paying. i make more money in the relationship and we are comfortable paying our mortgage and expenses on our household income. however work has been very bad lately (since i started 4 years but the last 18 months since my promotion absolutely horrendous). i’ve had mental break downs, have had to leave work, have wanted to quit. my boss is great but the problem with my company is everything takes way to long to implement / change(been trying to change things for over 12 months and no one works thru me cause everyone is “to busy”). husband and i found out i’m pregnant a some time ago and am now just starting second trimester. can’t quit cause who will hire a pregnant lady and even so i am banking on my maternity leave top up to support our larger mortgage. how do i get thru the weeks until maternity leave ? i have 6 months left till mat leave. feel trapped.

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