My boss laid the smackdown that a certain thing that we do all the time (like every day) she wants to do in person… even though this doesn't need to be in person at all. She says she thinks this will speed things up, but it is likely to *speed things up* because most of these things are on the verge of being done anyway. So she will prove herself right by requiring this at the end. And therefore keep her new policy forever.
I am furious and deeply want to get back at her.
What is most galling to me is that typically when we would go in (or pre pandemic) to accomplish something the people who weren't doing their work would just not show up. And then I would have had to go in – and the people we were trying to *punish* would just not show without consequences.
My only goal now is to maintain the ability to schedule them when people are most likely to be busy so they will either not show or ask for a change in the date and time – delaying things even more.