
People who left toxic jobs for non-toxic ones… did your new position make you realize (even more so) just how fucked up your last place was?

I left a toxic job after nearly 5 years in March… I'm in my first week at a new company (fully remote, unlimited PTO, & $18,500 more per year minimum), and I legitimately think I have trauma from the last place. Everyone here is so nice, and it's a million times more organized than my last company. People actually have regular meetings (which are relatively short) with one another and inform others of critical information they need (bare minimum – I know, but this is a new concept for me, sadly). Even the people who say they're really busy seem less stressed than 90% of my entire previous company. And I'm eligible for OT AND bonuses! But it's made me realize how fucked up my last job was, and I'm somewhat disappointed in myself for being so content in a boring/dead end job because I was afraid of change. Obviously,…

I left a toxic job after nearly 5 years in March… I'm in my first week at a new company (fully remote, unlimited PTO, & $18,500 more per year minimum), and I legitimately think I have trauma from the last place. Everyone here is so nice, and it's a million times more organized than my last company. People actually have regular meetings (which are relatively short) with one another and inform others of critical information they need (bare minimum – I know, but this is a new concept for me, sadly). Even the people who say they're really busy seem less stressed than 90% of my entire previous company. And I'm eligible for OT AND bonuses!

But it's made me realize how fucked up my last job was, and I'm somewhat disappointed in myself for being so content in a boring/dead end job because I was afraid of change. Obviously, it's too soon to know if these current feelings will last, but hey, at least I'm getting paid a decent wage now.

So, people who left a toxic job for whatever reason… how are you doing now? How long has it been? What would you say to others in toxic jobs who think they're stuck?

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