
My manager wants me to commit for the next 8 months – 1 year in order to ”put up a good word” with the owners about my raise request.

On Friday of last week, I texted my manager requesting a raise and explained the reasons I considered worthy of a raise. He replied back telling me that my reasons were pretty good and that he appreciated my honesty. Yesterday, he pulled me aside and told me that in order for him to talk to the owners about my raise, he would need me to commit for the next 8 months to 1 more year minimum at this job. The reason he is telling me this is that I already expressed my plan to leave later this year, around July. I'd honestly have no issue agreeing to commit, but I'm pretty sure that my request won't be accepted the way I want, also I would like to be able to work remotely and I'm sure as hell that they won't let me have those 2 things. Maybe they'll have me…

On Friday of last week, I texted my manager requesting a raise and explained the reasons I considered worthy of a raise.

He replied back telling me that my reasons were pretty good and that he appreciated my honesty.

Yesterday, he pulled me aside and told me that in order for him to talk to the owners about my raise, he would need me to commit for the next 8 months to 1 more year minimum at this job.

The reason he is telling me this is that I already expressed my plan to leave later this year, around July.

I'd honestly have no issue agreeing to commit, but I'm pretty sure that my request won't be accepted the way I want, also I would like to be able to work remotely and I'm sure as hell that they won't let me have those 2 things. Maybe they'll have me choose 1 of those 2, or will only accept to let me work remotely, but without any raise.

I don't know what to do, he is expecting my reply by today so he can talk to them tonight or on Monday first thing in the morning, but I'm honestly thinking that it's just not worth it because I'm sure they won't give me the raise.

And yes, I've been looking for another job since January, but no luck.

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