
My hard working coworker has just found out the rewards of hard work…

I work in a warehouse. Unlike most of my past jobs, I don't hate this one. Decent pay, good benefits, manageable workload, management leaves me alone. As far as warehouse work goes, it's a good gig. I work at a good pace because I like the day to go by quickly. My coworker has been there a few months longer than me and despite my warnings, has continued to go all out for over a year. 4 months ago, our lead quit. My coworker did not want the position, so they just gave him the duties without the pay. They hired another lead that lasted a day. My coworker finally decided to take the position. I told him to ask for backpay for the past few months and instead of the $1.50 an hour increase, ask for at least $4. Today was our first day back this week. I went…

I work in a warehouse. Unlike most of my past jobs, I don't hate this one. Decent pay, good benefits, manageable workload, management leaves me alone. As far as warehouse work goes, it's a good gig. I work at a good pace because I like the day to go by quickly.

My coworker has been there a few months longer than me and despite my warnings, has continued to go all out for over a year. 4 months ago, our lead quit. My coworker did not want the position, so they just gave him the duties without the pay. They hired another lead that lasted a day. My coworker finally decided to take the position. I told him to ask for backpay for the past few months and instead of the $1.50 an hour increase, ask for at least $4.

Today was our first day back this week. I went about my daily duties while my coworker ran around like an idiot helping fix incompetence in departments he doesn't even work in. We found out today our annual raise is a whooping 4%. Shameful, but unsurprising. My coworker got called into HR an was presented his offer letter. 70 cent raise. He then had to go train a new hire that is computer illiterate in a job that uses computers much of the day. We were offered VTO tomorrow. I took it, he was informed he could not, because training.

Any of these things happening to me would have resulted in me clocking out and going home, but those things are nothing compared to this: Last night, on his day off, our boss texted him out of the blue saying a warehouse in California had some major issues and my coworker was to leave Monday for 2 weeks to train them. We live in Ohio. No additional compensation other than a free plane ride and hotel.

Im sad to say, one of the better jobs ive ever had is ran by incompetent piles of shit. You already know the moral of the story: Hard work leads to more hard work, 100% of the time.

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