
what should I do for work

I'm at a loss. I hate corporate greed and being around all the fake people; they just secretly judge you. Supervisors that talk down to you and only care about productivity. So fuck places like Walmart or target and no way I'm doing any fast food ect. I hate being around people. I'm thankful for everyone and what they can do for work but I'm going crazy here. What is a job I can try to get with no experience. No degree. What are some paths I can take to get into something like a career that actually uses my brain. Please give any examples or experience you can. I've been without a job for over a year now and the strangle of society forcing me to get a job and money is going to make me kill myself soon if I can't find something. I want to try things…

I'm at a loss. I hate corporate greed and being around all the fake people; they just secretly judge you. Supervisors that talk down to you and only care about productivity.

So fuck places like Walmart or target and no way I'm doing any fast food ect. I hate being around people. I'm thankful for everyone and what they can do for work but I'm going crazy here.

What is a job I can try to get with no experience. No degree. What are some paths I can take to get into something like a career that actually uses my brain. Please give any examples or experience you can. I've been without a job for over a year now and the strangle of society forcing me to get a job and money is going to make me kill myself soon if I can't find something.
I want to try things out but without money to fund anything that MIGHT be interesting I would need a beginner job and I'd honestly rather just end it than be forced into something like warehouse/labour/receptionist/cashier.
I respect everyone in those positions. It just stresses me out so much even thinking about being forced out of bed to do work that does nothing for a career. Just for lonely. I hate money

Tldr: I need a job like tomorrow. Please give examples or experiences on what I can do that will lead to some career or something at least interesting to do. Examples: heavy machine operators, pilot, maybe something in IT, security guard, ect.

No telling me to join the military. I wouldn't take that path.

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