
Long read. Transphobia at my work place and how it was handled.

I’ll try to keep this short. Quick background. I’ve been with this business for about three years. During my time there I’ve transitioned from female to male. A majority of the people I work with are aware of my transition as I changed pronouns a couple times and a couple of names. The two coworkers mentioned know 1000% I’m trans. TLDR at bottom. On Thursday I overheard an employee make a transphobic comment and another coworker chimed in. The conversation went to a dull whisper then at the end one of them said, “Yeah. It’s because the transgender.” Side note: transgender is an adjective, not a noun. I went to my lead and explained the situation and how it made me feel. We then brought this information to our supervisor. She said she’ll speak with my coworkers and implement more training regarding marginalized communities. On Friday, I was scheduled to…

I’ll try to keep this short. Quick background. I’ve been with this business for about three years. During my time there I’ve transitioned from female to male. A majority of the people I work with are aware of my transition as I changed pronouns a couple times and a couple of names. The two coworkers mentioned know 1000% I’m trans.

TLDR at bottom.

On Thursday I overheard an employee make a transphobic comment and another coworker chimed in. The conversation went to a dull whisper then at the end one of them said, “Yeah. It’s because the transgender.” Side note: transgender is an adjective, not a noun.

I went to my lead and explained the situation and how it made me feel. We then brought this information to our supervisor. She said she’ll speak with my coworkers and implement more training regarding marginalized communities.

On Friday, I was scheduled to work an event with two other people for one week. We’re in a small office about 15 ft x 15 ft. I emailed both of my supervisors and expressed why I requested to be placed at another event site. I received a quick reply saying we would talk about it Monday. The weekend passes.

Monday I return and speak with my supervisor. Then HR. Then my manager. They all had the same rhetoric:

  • there is a business to be ran
  • I need to give the two workers a chance (unsure for what)
  • I asked for a week of being place at another site and HR responded by saying if this behavior continues it could lead to letting me go. (I was asking for one week. Never did I ask for more or have a history of this request.)
  • they are not responsible for my feelings (I understand, however, this is affecting my mental health)
  • there’s more but they’re all along these lines above
  • if I found someone to replace me at this site, it’d be insubordination, however, I’ve done this several times before without consequence

After fighting for 3 hours about being switched they finally did it… by placing me with the other coworker I feel unsafe with. I replied and again stated I have the same concerns with this coworker as I did the last.

My manager said I was placed at another event site as it was per my request. And to follow up with my supervisor. I said thanks and will do.

Since then I’ve informed my union to make aware of this treatment. Spoke with my union rep about all this. I finally felt heard but ultimately she couldn’t do much from there aside from bringing up these issues in future union/the company meeting.

She directed me to the EEOC and expressed how difficult it would be for this to be a case. To note: how they handled this situation is completely different from what is stated in our code of conduct and personnel handbook(?).

All to ask…

  • thoughts?
  • where would you go from here?
  • any similar experiences or other outcomes

Thank you for your time to read all this.

TLDR. I’m transgender. Two workers made transphobic remarks. Notified supervisors. They scheduled me to work with one of the coworkers. I ended up with my manager and HR about this. I had to fight for three hours to replace me with someone else. They granted my request… by placing me with other coworker involved. See questions right above this.

EDIT: asked other questions.

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