
Anyone have any tips for someone about to go into the red?

I've been applying to jobs for the past two months (200+ jobs), and I have gotten zero interviews. My old workplace also marked me as tax-exempt when I wasn't and now I only have a month of money left. I thought I had time to find a job, but now I'm in a little bit of a pickle. I live with my parents though, so that should solve these problems right? I will have my basic needs met, yes, but now I have to keep track of all expenses that I usually pay and pay them back down the line. Join government benefits? My parents make too much, and I'm 21 so it'll be a while until I'm not considered a dependent. I live in a tourist-fueled town of 2000 people, so most jobs available are chefs/expos/servers, customer service, and technicians, jobs I've already tried, but quickly learned that I…

I've been applying to jobs for the past two months (200+ jobs), and I have gotten zero interviews. My old workplace also marked me as tax-exempt when I wasn't and now I only have a month of money left.

I thought I had time to find a job, but now I'm in a little bit of a pickle. I live with my parents though, so that should solve these problems right? I will have my basic needs met, yes, but now I have to keep track of all expenses that I usually pay and pay them back down the line. Join government benefits? My parents make too much, and I'm 21 so it'll be a while until I'm not considered a dependent.

I live in a tourist-fueled town of 2000 people, so most jobs available are chefs/expos/servers, customer service, and technicians, jobs I've already tried, but quickly learned that I do not have the mental fortitude for. Good job to anyone who can, but this guy who has disabilities sorta kinda will get sent to the hospital if I work in those jobs. And that's okay, because disability services right? My last two case managers advised against applying, but I'm getting a third opinion on Monday since this is now extremely urgent.

I don't have the funds to move anywhere else that has a better in-person job pool, and I was admitted to a hospital twice last time I didn't live near a support system (I had to withdraw from uni in the middle of my Sophomore year because of this). I also don't have much professional experience in what I'm applying for because well, no one's letting me interview.

Since I withdrew from uni though (over a year now), I have been working 10-15 hours every day my body will allow trying to build a resume that's appealing for stuff I want to do (meteorology, eventually… hopefully) or trying to build separate income streams. I thought I would have more time, but now I'm stuck with usually $50/week, which uhhhh… is not enough to live on.

While I won't go homeless or starve which is really nice of my parents, I have no mobility, and I guess that's just the reality I have to accept now. Does anyone have any tips for finding an entry-level remote job that won't render me hospital-bound? Maybe that's too high of expectations, but I would prefer it.

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