
Day to reclaim the US economy and show what we can do:

If we all take one day off of work and refuse to buy anything on that same day. No gas, no take out, no groceries, nothing. If enough people participate, it’ll stop the economy for one day. This will get the attention of large corporations, raise a lot of awareness, and let politicians know that we’re ready to vote them out if they can’t help us get better wages, working conditions, and healthcare. June 16th seems like a good day. We can call it the New Labor Day

If we all take one day off of work and refuse to buy anything on that same day. No gas, no take out, no groceries, nothing. If enough people participate, it’ll stop the economy for one day. This will get the attention of large corporations, raise a lot of awareness, and let politicians know that we’re ready to vote them out if they can’t help us get better wages, working conditions, and healthcare. June 16th seems like a good day. We can call it the New Labor Day

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