
Lack of respect for an applicant’s time

So as some background, I was laid off in October, and have been looking for permanent work since. October to January listings were primarily seasonal stuff with a handful of others, had a few interviews, put in some applications. And since the first of the year I've been putting in application after application with only maybe a dozen interviews, and the vast majority just completely ghosting. And with the bulk of those interviews going nowhere and me being left in the dark on the results. Only one company I've interviewed with has had the decency to call and basically do the “Thanks for your interest, but we've chosen another candidate”. Others, I've found out that I wasn't chosen simply by checking on their career page profile and seeing that I was no longer under consideration. Or on indeed, seeing that status change to “Not selected by employer”. But so many…

So as some background, I was laid off in October, and have been looking for permanent work since. October to January listings were primarily seasonal stuff with a handful of others, had a few interviews, put in some applications. And since the first of the year I've been putting in application after application with only maybe a dozen interviews, and the vast majority just completely ghosting. And with the bulk of those interviews going nowhere and me being left in the dark on the results.

Only one company I've interviewed with has had the decency to call and basically do the “Thanks for your interest, but we've chosen another candidate”. Others, I've found out that I wasn't chosen simply by checking on their career page profile and seeing that I was no longer under consideration. Or on indeed, seeing that status change to “Not selected by employer”. But so many others have just completely ghosted. I'm left not knowing if they're still interviewing, if they've hired someone, if they just opted not to go with me.

It's not so much that I'm not being chosen, though that is incredibly frustrating and defeating. But more, I don't even know why I wasn't chosen. Was there something about the interview that I could've improved on? Were there skills missing that they were looking for? Was I asking too high of a pay rate? Just having an opportunity to find out what I could improve for my next attempt would be great. And even if they can't be bothered to call, they have my email. At least send something saying “thanks but no thanks” so I know where things stand.

Companies expect some absurd level of respect and loyalty, when from the get go, they themselves can't be bothered to even so much as respect my time. After so long of this, it's just defeating, frustrating and just makes pressing on with this that much more difficult when every time it happens it's just a blow to confidence.

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