
Two of my ex jobs are making my life hell – amazon and an Ivy League school. It’s unbelievable.

Sorry forgot to add the text Job one – I was shoved by a fellow employee and then fired for clocking in one minute late after refusing to both press charges and give into their gaslighting was causing them to see me as a threat (we didn’t see much…are you sure it wasn’t an accident……we’re on your side we’re sure it happens but….did it?) They also tried to accuse me of theft and being an idiot I told them I’d give them 20$ to shut them up but that I didn’t steal and they are ridiculous. They sent me a letter from their lawyer threatening court if i didn’t pay in a week. I ignored it. Amazon scare tactics. Nothing came of it. Second job is more insane- sorry for those who don't like to read – i'll try to keep things brief and clear I was fired for revealing…

Sorry forgot to add the text

Job one – I was shoved by a fellow employee and then fired for clocking in one minute late after refusing to both press charges and give into their gaslighting was causing them to see me as a threat (we didn’t see much…are you sure it wasn’t an accident……we’re on your side we’re sure it happens but….did it?)
They also tried to accuse me of theft and being an idiot I told them I’d give them 20$ to shut them up but that I didn’t steal and they are ridiculous.

They sent me a letter from their lawyer threatening court if i didn’t pay in a week. I ignored it. Amazon scare tactics. Nothing came of it.

Second job is more insane-

sorry for those who don't like to read – i'll try to keep things brief and clear

I was fired for revealing I had ptsd because someone close to me was literally planning sui and I had a feeling and called off telling them it was deadly serious and I was very sorry and that also I had PTSd (mistake but it seemed to back me up in my head if it had turned out to be a false alarm – which it wasn’t)

I was fired the NEXT DAY for the reason that “I didn’t know where stuff went”

Mind you I spent hours stocking alone with no issue or asking where things were despite being less than 2 weeks into the job. Was thanked often and even told I was doing too much

After a few weeks when the check was nowhere to be seen I reached out.

The response was that

i was issued a check from my own city on march third. Did not receive it at all. it was the 18th and mail takes 2 days max to travel through the city itself. always. a week AT MOST.

  1. the employer cited that i had not put my apt unit down – which i believed i may have just made that mistake – so i asked the landlord and even the housing complex office is listed differently than the complex so if it hadnt shown up it had returned to sender.

So it would be impossible for this 1st sent check to come to me

I never receive the payment so I ask for stop payment and reissue

I give the right address. They say they will send the reissue with the same amount as the original (weird thing to clarify) blah blah – all good

a few days later, probably a week, a check appeared with the correct address and apartment number. Mind you – THE CORRECT ADDRESS- which the first check that I cancelled did not have.

i cashed the reissued check all was well and good until i receive an urgent string of calls and emails from the check cashing establishment i used all informing me that the “financial institution was failing to pay the check” and that i was now responsible for it as well as about 70 dollars of tack on fees.

i email the head of dining and then also make a call to the main unversity department in order to report. they sounded concerned and a bit appalled and took my info as well as the info of the head of dining services whom i had been speaking with.

2 days later, i receive a second check. I assumed it was to help with the issue they had created as I had forwarded the bill and said they were culpable.

However this check is 55$ less than the original – making it crystal clear it was not the original (will be same amount as original check)

In fact it had almost the exact price of the extra check cashing fees deducted

it states my apt # clearly.

i send out an email questioning and saying i will not be losing money and paying for the work i did. and then receive an email that pretty much changed everything due to how many holes there were

  1. this is the email =

tendercanary, the check you cashed was the original check that you stated you never received. *
Acting accordingly based on your statement I put a stop payment on that check.I sent you another check for the amount of the original check which you should receive shortly. It will be up to you to settle with the check cashing company as it was your actions that precipitated this event.*** . In any case you never worked for PRESTIGIOUS UNIVERSITY, rather for me as an independent contractor, so there is no possibility you getting any resolution by contacting the University.

Best of Luck

  1. * (LIE: both had my apartment number on them and he clearly stated earlier he had sent it out with no unit number)

  1. **(LIE: it was 55$ less
  2. *** lie – both of the checks had my unit number which he stated the first one did not, and this part i really cannot figure out. yes i acted, but out of seeing that this was the proper check and arrived in the correct time.

And do not overlook the rather threatening last sentence

  1. In any case you never worked for Carnegie Mellon, rather for me as an independent contractor, so there is no possibility you getting any resolution by contacting the University.

he is listed as head of dining services, so how is he freelance. is it also relevant to say he goes by two separate first names?

this last line clearly shows me that my call the the main cmu center may have resulted in a conversation, which did not make him happy.

what should i do in response and am i being scammed or taken for a ride?

tldr; employer sent out check with bad address, i never receive – reissues check with right address, refuses to honor the check, putting debt collectors on my back, is saying it was the bad address one i cashed so i have to fix this, stated he sent the re-issued check but it arrived suspiciously on time after i had complained about the debt/refusals. this check was for 55$ less than previous check. is also stating the below now that i contacted his bosses:

“It will be up to you to settle with the check cashing company as it was your actions that precipitated this event.

In any case you never worked for PRESTIGIOUS UNIVERSITY, rather for me as an independent contractor, so there is no possibility you getting any resolution by contacting the University.”

Im still fighting for my rights

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