
Working Ruined Me

I'm not sure if this is the sub to put this in but I need to vent a bit. I am approaching 28 and am on an above the knee prosthetic leg. This disability has been a part of my life since birth. All of my life, I was told that working would make me a disabled amongst the disabled. That I need the independence that only working would give me, to pay my way through life, not be like all the other “lazy moochers of the system”. I'm constantly being applauded and praised for working through my disability and other disabled people get compared to my “achievements”. I say this needs to STOP. I'm tired of this narrative that a disabled person is so much better simply because they work. I'm tired of non-disabled people in the work place making light of the struggles a disabled person has to…

I'm not sure if this is the sub to put this in but I need to vent a bit.

I am approaching 28 and am on an above the knee prosthetic leg. This disability has been a part of my life since birth.

All of my life, I was told that working would make me a disabled amongst the disabled. That I need the independence that only working would give me, to pay my way through life, not be like all the other “lazy moochers of the system”. I'm constantly being applauded and praised for working through my disability and other disabled people get compared to my “achievements”.

I say this needs to STOP. I'm tired of this narrative that a disabled person is so much better simply because they work. I'm tired of non-disabled people in the work place making light of the struggles a disabled person has to go through just to show up to a shift, let alone complete it and do it well.

What independence have I gained?? I am in so much pain from being on my leg 45+ hours a week that I cannot do anything on my time off nor can I complete home tasks on my own now. I have no money, something we can all understand… Except I have added expenses that the non disabled don't even think of.

Better insurance through work you say? Ha! I pay half my paycheck to get a somewhat decent plan only to find out I have to pay so much more in deductibles before they'll even start to consider helping with my prosthetic… The ONE thing I need insurance for!

I used to say that I worked for a living because I have pride in myself and definitely want to contribute to the society I'm living in. At this point, though, what's the importance of my pride when I have to suck up so many other things? What's the contribution other than putting taxes into a system that VIEWS ME AS A NOBODY?

Please, if you see a disabled person not in the workforce, do not judge them! It does not make sense AT ALL for them to work for the most part. We are denied healthcare for OBVIOUS disabilities. We are not given any leeway (even with FMLA) for our obvious struggles at all. We are not making money, less money than most non-disableds, and pay out more. Working takes away such quality of life outside of the workplace for those who are physically disabled.

I know WE ALL HATE the “bootstraps” illustration. Can you imagine how much more I hate it only having one boot on my one foot to pull from?

P.S. (lol): I hope I haven't offended any of my fellow disabled people here. I acknowledge that there are disabled people that can make it work and it's so awesome for those of us who can. I'm merely trying to bring attention how much much harder it is for us with an already difficult and unfair employment system.

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