
Can’t trust co-workers

AITA Cannot trust coworkers AITA? This happened in late 2020 for some context. I (F36) used to work in a place where certain people had no respect for the property of others. I had a new, unopened soda in the staff fridge with my name clearly written on it. Someone opened it, drank about 1/4 of it, recapped jt and put it back apparently thinking I wouldn't notice. I found it later when I went to grab it before our staff meeting. I immediately threw it away, garnering a confused look from a bystander in the break room. When I brought it up at the meeting several people voiced that I was being petty and could have just finished it instead of throwing it away and making a “spectacle” out of it. I openly disagreed! Then people started “borrowing” my pen without asking if it was sitting on the desk…

AITA Cannot trust coworkers

AITA? This happened in late 2020 for some context.

I (F36) used to work in a place where certain people had no respect for the property of others. I had a new, unopened soda in the staff fridge with my name clearly written on it. Someone opened it, drank about 1/4 of it, recapped jt and put it back apparently thinking I wouldn't notice. I found it later when I went to grab it before our staff meeting. I immediately threw it away, garnering a confused look from a bystander in the break room. When I brought it up at the meeting several people voiced that I was being petty and could have just finished it instead of throwing it away and making a “spectacle” out of it. I openly disagreed!

Then people started “borrowing” my pen without asking if it was sitting on the desk next to my paperwork. There was a bin for extra community pens on the other end of the desk, like 2 feet away. But mine was “more convenient” and again I was called petty and overreacting. The pen in question was a gift from the church for Mother's Day but I reacted the same way about my regular pens. I would put my name on a sticky tab and tape it around my pen so that everyone knew it was mine. Telling my coworkers that I would report and charge the next person I caught using my stuff without permission got me a formal write-up with our director and HR, but I did not care and wanted them to know I was serious.

AITA for getting mad about my personal stuff?

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