
How do I escape the minimum wage life?

I am 29 male and I am currently stuck at a job making slightly above minimum wage. I work as a security guard and I make around $11hr. I also currently live with my dad in order to save money. I've been applying to other jobs to get a better one and I've been rejected by every single one of them. I've updated my resume countless times and so far it does not seem to work. My work history: I currently work as a security guard and I've been here for 4 years. I've worked variety of posts from garages, to office buildings, front desks, to monitoring cameras, to early voting booths. Most of my jobs previously have been either volunteer. For example my job before security I was working at a computer repair shop doing mostly fixing computer programs, removing anti virus software, answering customer complaints, and things like…

I am 29 male and I am currently stuck at a job making slightly above minimum wage. I work as a security guard and I make around $11hr. I also currently live with my dad in order to save money. I've been applying to other jobs to get a better one and I've been rejected by every single one of them. I've updated my resume countless times and so far it does not seem to work.

My work history: I currently work as a security guard and I've been here for 4 years. I've worked variety of posts from garages, to office buildings, front desks, to monitoring cameras, to early voting booths. Most of my jobs previously have been either volunteer. For example my job before security I was working at a computer repair shop doing mostly fixing computer programs, removing anti virus software, answering customer complaints, and things like that. Before that I would help my dad at his store whenever he needed packages to be unboxed and someone to operate the cashier.

I did go to community college but I did drop out due to taking some hard classes. I do know various Microsoft office programs and I can type at around 100wpm. For my financial situation I currently have around $65,000 saved up. I have no financial debts, and I don't plan on having children or other major expenses.

What I currently want to do is I want to be able to work from home. I've been applying to a lot of remote jobs and I get rejected by a lot of them. Even ones that don't have a lot of requirements will still reject me. I've looked at other jobs in my city and most of them are retail jobs or other fast food jobs that pay and treat you like crap. So I want to switch into a remote role either making around $60,000 a year or more. Mostly because I hear $60k is above the poverty line. I am thinking about maybe going back to community college to gain more experience for work from home. But I figured my experience at a computer repair shop and some college experience would be enough. I don't really want to do customer service or call center or anything that really involves being on the phone. I was thinking of starting out at help desk, virtual assistant, IT Support to start out. Then job hop to a job that makes more than what I want.

What else should I do to escape from the minimum wage life and switch to something I want to do?

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