
Manager gets pissy when people quit without notice but just fired 3 people without any notice

At the start of the year one coworker received a nice end of year bonus then took a week off and quit the day he came back. Manager told me he will never step back inside this company and he burned the bridge by quiting like that without notice. Last week my manager had to let 3 people go because of the economy and slow business. He called them inside the office and fired one by one and told them to pack their stuff. No notice.

At the start of the year one coworker received a nice end of year bonus then took a week off and quit the day he came back.
Manager told me he will never step back inside this company and he burned the bridge by quiting like that without notice.

Last week my manager had to let 3 people go because of the economy and slow business. He called them inside the office and fired one by one and told them to pack their stuff. No notice.

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