
Unlawful Dismissal

I work in a factory in Australia, I put ingredients into vats and pump different bases into them to make ice cream, in the different rooms there are people who work production on the line, a lot of whom I’m friends with. A couple weeks ago I was talking to one of my friends about the gym and their room manager yells at me from across the room to gtfo, it’s loud inside so yelled back what did you say to make sure I heard it right, he came over and said either do some work or get out with a few added swear words and anger. whilst this was happening a few of the alarms on the machine were going off so I told him why don’t you worry about the machine more and less about me and I’ll leave. he gave me a dirty look and then started…

I work in a factory in Australia, I put ingredients into vats and pump different bases into them to make ice cream, in the different rooms there are people who work production on the line, a lot of whom I’m friends with. A couple weeks ago I was talking to one of my friends about the gym and their room manager yells at me from across the room to gtfo, it’s loud inside so yelled back what did you say to make sure I heard it right, he came over and said either do some work or get out with a few added swear words and anger. whilst this was happening a few of the alarms on the machine were going off so I told him why don’t you worry about the machine more and less about me and I’ll leave. he gave me a dirty look and then started running towards me like he was going to fight me. My friend told me to leave and just leave it so I did, fast forward to now I have been called into a meeting tomorrow but they can’t tell me what it’s about only that it’s because of an investigation and this is the only scenario I can think of. Any advice? I’ve heard a rumour from some other friends before I was called into the meeting that they may be looking to fire me.

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